The questions covered herein were raised by query
Q0003, regarding usage rules for defining words centering on various wordlist actions occurring between CREATE and DOES>.
There are four parts in this document:
Subject: Defining words, search order and wordlists. To: From: (Andrew Houghton) Date: Tue, 9 May 95 11:09:48 -0400 Message-Id: <> Received: from by ; Tue, 9 May 1995 08:25 PDT Content-Type: text >From aph Tue May 9 11:09:48 0400 1995 remote from Return-Path:I'm not sure whether doing the following is legal ANS FORTH so I was looking for someone to provide an interpretation as to whether it is legal and if not why not.Received: from next30-06 ( by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA26898; Tue, 9 May 95 11:20:56 EDT Received: by next30-06 (NX5.67d/NX3.0X) id AA00583; Tue, 9 May 95 11:09:48 -0400 Received: by NeXT.Mailer (1.100) Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.100) Content-Length: 7015
Here is my problem. Define the following:
\ Add selx to search order and make new definitions go into selx. : set-current-wordlist ( selx -- ) >r get-order 1+ r> swap set-order definitions ; \ Fill wordlist with default definitions. : fill-wordlist ( n n n -- ) s" constant a" evaluate s" constant b" evaluate s" constant c" evaluate ; \ Create new wordlist with default definitions. : create-wordlist ( -- ) create wordlist set-current-wordlist 1 2 3 fill-wordlist does> ( body -- ) set-current-wordlist ; \ Create new wordlist with default definitions, revised. : create-wl ( -- ) wordlist dup set-current-wordlist 1 2 3 fill-wordlist previous definitions create dup , set-current-wordlist does> ( body -- ) @ set-current-wordlist ;I believe that the above words set-current-wordlist and fill-wordlist by themselves conform to the standard. My problem lies with the word create-wordlist. Create-wordlist tries to create a defining word which creates a wordlist, adds the newly created wordlist to the search order, set the current definitions to go into the newly created wordlist, then fills the wordlist with some common definitions.
When the word create-wordlist is executed (ie. create-wordlist abc) it produces a new (ie. abc) which PFE, an ANS FORTH, is marked in the dictionary as a variable -- not a defining word and c in the newly created wordlist is marked in its dictionary as a defining word -- not a constant! As far as I can tell from the standard, this could be a result of does> (section 6.1.1250) replacing the execution semantics of the most recent definition, ie. abc which was defined by create, and the fact that fill-wordlist creates new definitions. It seems that section "3.4.5 Compilation" of the standard may apply somehow as well.
The standard seems unclear to me when it says that: "does> replaces the execution semantics of the most recent definition." I would have expected it to use the term "current definition" from "2.1 Definitions of terms." But again whether its "recent definition" or "current definition" it really says to me: "replaces the execution semantics of the most recent/current definition [in the most recent/current definition's wordlist]". Note I added the bracketed item to show what the standard implies to me. However it is clear that PFE, an ANS FORTH, implies "in the current wordlist where definitions are being placed."
It's unclear in the standard, to me, which one is correct. Given the ambiguity I rewrote the word create-wordlist and it appears as the word create-wl. The new word create-wl now creates the wordlist fills it with the common definitions and restores the previous wordlist. Then create-wl *creates* the defining word. This seems to work for PFE but may not work for other ANS implementations. However, this points out another possible problem with the definitions of create-wordlist and create-wl.
The newly perceived problem is that both words change the search order before the does> is done. It seems to me that sections 16.3.3 and A.16.3.3 say that this produces an ambiguous condition. Is this correct? Does 16.3.3 refer to when the word create-wordlist is being compiled or the word being defined by create-wordlist?
My final question is: "Is it possible to portably create a defining word which creates a wordlist, fills that wordlist with definitions and then switches the search order to that wordlist with the current ANS standard?"
2.1 Definitions of terms3.4.5 Compilation
- ambiguous condition:
- A circumstance for which this Standard does not prescribe a specific behavior for Forth systems and programs.
Ambiguous conditions include such things as the absence of a needed delimiter while parsing, attempted access to a nonexistent file, or attempted use of a nonexistent word. An ambiguous condition also exists when a Standard word is passed values that are improper or out of range.
- current definition:
- The definition whose compilation has been started but not yet ended.
- defining word:
- A Forth word that creates a new definition when executed.
- definition:
- A Forth execution procedure compiled into the dictionary.
- dictionary:
- An extensible structure that contains definitions and associated data space.
A program shall not attempt to nest compilation of definitions.
During the compilation of the current definition, a program shall not execute any defining word, :NONAME, or any definition that allocates dictionary data space. The compilation of the current definition may be suspended using [ (left-bracket) and resumed using ] (right-bracket). While the compilation of the current definition is suspended, a program shall not execute any defining word, :NONAME, or any definition that allocates dictionary data space.
Interpretation: Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.
Compilation: ( C: colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 )
Append the run-time semantics below to the current definition. Whether or not the current definition is rendered findable in the dictionary by the compilation of DOES> is implementation defined. Consume colon-sys1 and produce colon-sys2. Append the initiation semantics given below to the current definition.
Run-time: ( -- ) ( R: nest-sys1 -- )
Replace the execution semantics of the most recent definition, referred to as name, with the name execution semantics given below. Return control to the calling definition specified by nest-sys1. An ambiguous condition exists if name was not defined with CREATE or a user-defined word that calls CREATE.
Initiation: ( i*x -- i*x a-addr ) ( R: -- nest-sys2 )
Save implementation-dependent information nest-sys2 about the calling definition. Place name's data field address on the stack. The stack effects i*x represent arguments to name.
name Execution: ( i*x -- j*x )
Execute the portion of the definition that begins with the initiation semantics appended by the DOES> which modified name. The stack effects i*x and j*x represent arguments to and results from name, respectively.
16.3.3 Finding definition names
An ambiguous condition exists if a program changes the compilation word list during the compilation of a definition or before modification of the behavior of the most recently compiled definition with ;CODE, DOES>, or IMMEDIATE.
A.16.3.3 Finding definition names
In other words, the following is not guaranteed to work:
: FOO ... [ ... SET-CURRENT ] ... RECURSE ... ; IMMEDIATERECURSE, ; (semicolon), and IMMEDIATE may or may not need information stored in the compilation word list.
From: Elizabeth D. Rather Subject: Q0003R, Wordlists, Official Response To: X3J14 Technical Committee Cc: Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:03:44 PDT Doc#: X3J14/Q0003R Reference Doc#: X3.215.1994 ANS Forth Date: May 16, 1995 Title: Response to Request for Interpretation Q0003, Clarification of WordlistsAbstract: No definition can be added to the dictionary between CREATE and DOES>. Changing compilation wordlist between CREATE and DOES> is ambiguous.
X3.215-1994_KEYWORD_LIST: Core Word Set CREATE 6.1.1000 DOES> 6.1.1250 Search Order Word Set DEFINITIONS GET-ORDER SET-ORDER Terms: Ambiguous condition 2.1 Compilation word list X3.215-1994_KEYWORD_LIST; Author: Jack Woehr
Here is my problem. Define the following:set-current-wordlist is standard Forth in the given context, i.e. as a definition commenced while the system is interpretive mode. Note that it has a dependency on the SEARCH-ORDER Word Set with Extensions.\ Add selx to search order and make new definitions go into selx. : set-current-wordlist ( selx -- ) >r get-order 1+ r> swap set-order definitions ;
Incidentally, the Technical Committee encourages the use of uppercase for Standard words in clarification queries submitted to X3J14.
fill-wordlist is standard Forth in the given context.\ Fill wordlist with default definitions. : fill-wordlist ( n n n -- ) s" constant a" evaluate s" constant b" evaluate s" constant c" evaluate ;
This definition of create-wordlist is erroneous as later noted by its author: the wordlist-id is not preserved so that the body address returned by words can be dereferenced to the (should have been) stored wordlist-id for set-current wordlist.\ Create new wordlist with default definitions. : create-wordlist ( -- ) create wordlist set-current-wordlist 1 2 3 fill-wordlist does> ( body -- ) set-current-wordlist ;
But this flaw conceals the definition's intent, to effect CREATE, change the compilation wordlist, add definitions, then return to the original compilation wordlist and effect DOES>. This is not Standard Forth.
Words cannot be added to the dictionary between the action of DOES> and the most recent action of CREATE. DOES> modifies a word created by CREATE. DOES> modifies the most recent definition. Thus there can have been no new definition added to the dictionary which was not created by CREATE immediately prior to a DOES>. Note that DOES> is found in the Core word set and never modified later in the Standard when the concept of multiple compilation wordlists is introduced.
Although the Standard does not preclude implementations using multiple wordlists from having "most recent" definitions in each wordset, the definition of DOES> is not extended to provide for multiple wordlists, and makes no provision for other than a single "most recent" definition. The clear intent of the Standard is that words cannot be added to the dictionary between the action of DOES> and the most recent action of CREATE.
(Also note that the execution of WORDLIST may consume data space, altering the address returned by HERE. The portable program must avoid executing WORDLIST between CREATE and the execution of , "comma" that saves the wordlist ID in the body of the created definition. Otherwise, the CREATE'd, DOES>'d entity at runtime will point at space which subsequently might have been used for the WORDLIST.)
The following was suggested as an improvement the the original definition of create-wordlist.
\ Create new wordlist with default definitions, revised. : create-wl ( name< > -- ) wordlist dup set-current-wordlist 1 2 3 fill-wordlist previous definitions create dup , set-current-wordlist does> ( body -- ) @ set-current-wordlist ;
This definition create-wl at runtime changes the compilation wordlist [] between CREATE [6.1.1000] and DOES> [6.1.1250]. The Forth Standard, 16.3.3 para 4:
"An ambiguous condition exists if a program changes the compilation word list during the compilation of a definition or before modi- fication of the behavior of the most recently compiled definition with ;CODE DOES> or IMMEDIATE."
Therefore, while not "non-Standard", the amended definition create-wl exhibits a platform dependency on the particular resolution of the ambiguity selected by the hosting Standard System, if create-wl is to execute deterministically.
My final question is: "Is it possible to portably create a defining word which creates a wordlist, fills that wordlist with definitions and then switches the search order to that wordlist with the current ANS standard?"Yes.
: SET-CURRENT-WORDLIST ( my_wid --) \ as above >R GET-ORDER 1+ R> ( -- widn wid1 n my_wid) SWAP SET-ORDER DEFINITIONS ( --) ; : 78-VOCABULARY ( "name< >" my_wid --) CREATE , ( --) DOES> ( self --) \ runtime @ ( -- my_wid) SET-CURRENT-WORDLIST ( --) ; : CREATE-WORDLIST ( "name< >" --) WORDLIST DUP 78-VOCABULARY ( -- wid) SET-CURRENT-WORDLIST ( --) fill-wordlist \ _vide supra_ PREVIOUS DEFINITIONS ;
From the point of view of CREATE-WORDLIST at runtime, 78-VOCABULARY is atomic. Its work is done before the change in search order occurs for the first time. Good factoring avoids a grey area of the Standard.
Greg Bailey notes that during the mailing list discussion of this issue, he erroneously posted using VARIABLE where CREATE was intended. Greg regrets any confusion thus caused.
Elizabeth D. Rather "Forth-based products and FORTH, Inc. Services for real-time 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #300 applications since 1973" Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (800) 55FORTH or (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130
From: Elizabeth D. Rather Subject: LB014, RE Q0003, Wordlists To: X3J14 Technical Committee Cc: Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:03:36 PDT X3 Subgroup Letter Ballot Authorized by X3 Procedures - Distributed by X3 Subgroup X3J14 Project: X3J14, ANS Forth Doc#: X3J14/LB014 Reference Doc#s: X3J14/Q0003R, X3.215.1994 ANS Forth Date: May 31, 1995 Title: Response to Request for Interpretation Q0003, Wordlists Ballot Period: 30 Days Ballot Closes NOON DATE: June 30, 1995 Respond to: or: Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair FORTH, Inc. 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 300 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130 Statement: Document X3J14/Q0003R contains a proposed Response to Request for Interpretation Q0003. Question: Do you agree that this response represents the intended interpretation of X3.215.1994 ANS Forth? /------------------------ begin response area----------------------\ | | YES____ NO____ ABSTAIN____ | | Signature: [not required for email ballots] | Name: | Organization: | | Explanation (REQUIRED for NO or ABSTAIN votes): |\------------------------ end response area ----------------------/ INSTRUCTIONS: Please return the entire letter ballot with your response _either_ by email to _or_ by regular mail, fax or email to me at the above address, before the closing date & time. If replying electronically PLEASE edit only within the response area indicated above, inserting any explanatory text in place of . Any changes made outside that area will likely be overlooked. All TC members must vote. Failure to vote in two consecutive ballots may cause you to lose your voting rights in X3J14. Thank you for your participation. Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair, X3J14 Elizabeth D. Rather "Forth-based products and FORTH, Inc. Services for real-time 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #300 applications since 1973" Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (800) 55FORTH or (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130
From: Elizabeth D. Rather Subject: LBs 14 & 15 To: X3J14 Technical Committee Cc: Date: Fri, 07 Jul 95 12:05:04 PDT Letter ballots 14 [and 15] closed at noon July 1 with the following results: Y N A NV LB14: 12, 0, 0, 3 [...] Thank you for your participation. Regards, Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair X3J14 Elizabeth D. Rather "Forth-based products and FORTH, Inc. Services for real-time 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #300 applications since 1973" Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (800) 55FORTH or (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130