The questions covered herein were raised by query
Q0004, regarding standard punctuation for double-cell numbers when occurring in programs.
There are four parts in this document:
Subject: ANS Forth Clarification Procedures To: From: (Bill Muench) Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 15:13:21 -0400 Message-Id: <> Received: from by ; Mon, 15 May 1995 12:18 PDT Request for Clairification.I have found the following references to *Text interpreter input number conversion*.
The input of Floating-Point numbers is clear, my need for clairification is with double-cell numbers:
Will a number with an *embedded* decimal point be converted to a double-cell number in a Standard Forth system?
If not, what about A.12.3.7 *...should treat numbers that have an embedded decimal point, but no exponent, as floating-point numbers rather than double cell numbers. This suggestion, although it has merit, has always been voted down because it would break too much existing code;* ?
Is 8.3.2 an example or the rule? ( a decimal point at the end)
8.3.2 Text interpreter input number conversionWhen the text interpreter processes a number that is immediately followed by a decimal point and is not found as a definition name, the text interpreter shall convert it to a double-cell number. For example, entering DECIMAL 1234 leaves the single-cell number 1234 on the stack, and entering DECIMAL 1234. leaves the double-cell number 1234 0 on the stack.
See: Text interpreter input number conversion.
12.3.7 Text interpreter input number conversion
If the Floating-Point word set is present in the dictionary and the current base is DECIMAL, the input number-conversion algorithm shall be extended to recognize floating-point numbers in this form:
Convertible string := <significand><exponent> <significand> := [<sign>]<digits>[.<digits0>] <exponent> := E[<sign>]<digits0> <sign> := { + | - } <digits> := <digit><digits0> <digits0> := <digit>* <digit> := { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 }These are examples of valid representations of floating-point numbers in program source:1E 1.E 1.E0 +1.23E-1 -1.23E+1See: Text interpreter input number conversion, >FLOAT.A.12.3.7 Text interpreter input number conversion
The Technical Committee has more than once received the suggestion that the text interpreter in Standard Forth systems should treat numbers that have an embedded decimal point, but no exponent, as floating-point numbers rather than double cell numbers. This suggestion, although it has merit, has always been voted down because it would break too much existing code; many existing implementations put the full digit string on the stack as a double number and use other means to inform the application of the location of the decimal point.
( ============================================================ ) ( Bill Muench \ OntoLogic ) ( \ 3901 Branciforte Drive \ 408 425 8740 ) ( \ Santa Cruz CA 95065 \ )
From: Elizabeth D. Rather Subject: Q0004R, Number Conversion, Official Response To: X3J14 Technical Committee Cc: Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:04:01 PDT Doc#: X3J14/Q0004R Reference Doc#: X3.215.1994 ANS Forth Date: May 24, 1995 Title: Response to Request for Interpretation Q0004, Clarification of Number Conversion
Not necessarily. A Standard System is permitted, but not required, to convert digit strings with embedded periods as double numbers. Consequently, a Standard Program cannot rely on any particular interpretation of such digit strings.Subject: ANS Forth Clarification Procedures To: From: (Identity not yet established) Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 15:13:21 -0400 Message-Id: <> Received: from by ; Mon, 15 May 1995 12:18 PDT Request for Clairification.I have found the following references to *Text interpreter input number conversion*.The input of Floating-Point numbers is clear, my need for clairification is with double-cell numbers:
Will a number with an *embedded* decimal point be converted to a double-cell number in a Standard Forth system?
If not, what about A.12.3.7 *...should treat numbers that have an embedded decimal point, but no exponent, as floating-point numbers rather than double cell numbers. This suggestion, although it has merit, has always been voted down because it would break too much existing code;* ?A.12.3.7 would be clearer if it read: The Technical Committee has more than once received the suggestion that the text interpreter in Standard Forth systems should treat numbers that have an embedded decimal point, but no exponent, as floating-point numbers. This suggestion, although it has merit, has always been voted down because it would break too much existing code; many existing implementations put the full digit string on the stack as a double number and use other means to inform the application of the location of the decimal point. Note that the only change I made was to delete the phrase "rather than double cell numbers" from the first sentence A.12.3.7. The original sentence implies that numbers with an embedded decimal point and no exponent are converted to double numbers in a Standard System. The intent of the committee was to allow this behavior in a Standard System, but not to require it.
Is 8.3.2 an example or the rule? ( a decimal point at the end)It is the rule.
8.3.2 Text interpreter input number conversionOther excerpts deleted.When the text interpreter processes a number that is immediately followed by a decimal point and is not found as a definition name, the text interpreter shall convert it to a double-cell number.
For example, entering DECIMAL 1234 leaves the single-cell number 1234 on the stack, and entering DECIMAL 1234. leaves the double-cell number 1234 0 on the stack.
See: Text interpreter input number conversion.
John R. Hayes Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University
Elizabeth D. Rather "Forth-based products and FORTH, Inc. Services for real-time 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #300 applications since 1973" Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (800) 55FORTH or (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130
From: Elizabeth D. Rather Subject: LB015, RE Q0004, Number Conversion To: X3J14 Technical Committee Cc: Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:04:23 PDT X3 Subgroup Letter Ballot Authorized by X3 Procedures - Distributed by X3 Subgroup X3J14 Project: X3J14, ANS Forth Doc#: X3J14/LB015 Reference Doc#s: X3J14/Q0004R, X3.215.1994 ANS Forth Date: May 31, 1995 Title: Response to Request for Interpretation Q0004, Number Conversion Ballot Period: 30 Days Ballot Closes NOON DATE: June 30, 1995 Respond to: or: Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair FORTH, Inc. 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 300 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130 Statement: Document X3J14/Q0004R contains a proposed Response to Request for Interpretation Q0004. Question: Do you agree that this response represents the intended interpretation of X3.215.1994 ANS Forth? /------------------------ begin response area----------------------\ | | YES____ NO____ ABSTAIN____ | | Signature: [not required for email ballots] | Name: | Organization: | | Explanation (REQUIRED for NO or ABSTAIN votes): |\------------------------ end response area ----------------------/ INSTRUCTIONS: Please return the entire letter ballot with your response _either_ by email to _or_ by regular mail or fax or email to me at the above address, before the closing date & time. If replying electronically PLEASE edit only within the response area indicated above, inserting any explanatory text in place of . Any changes made outside that area will likely be overlooked. All TC members must vote. Failure to vote in two consecutive ballots may cause you to lose your voting rights in X3J14. Thank you for your participation. Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair, X3J14 Elizabeth D. Rather "Forth-based products and FORTH, Inc. Services for real-time 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #300 applications since 1973" Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (800) 55FORTH or (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130
From: Elizabeth D. Rather Subject: LBs 14 & 15 To: X3J14 Technical Committee Cc: Date: Fri, 07 Jul 95 12:05:04 PDT Letter ballots [14 and] 15 closed at noon July 1 with the following results: Y N A NV [...] LB15: 11, 1, 0, 2 Negative vote from Dave Harralson on Letter Ballot 15, with the following comment: I disagree with the response, "not necessarily...." Section 8.3.2 clearly states that a number with a decimal point that is not in the dictionary will be converted to a double-cell number. If this section is revised, I vote yes. [8.3.2 Text Interpreter Input number conversion When the text interpreter process a number that is *immediately followed* by a decimal point and is not found as a definition name, the text interpreter shall convert it to a double-cell number.] [Standard quoted by editor; emphasis added where appropriate] [...] Thank you for your participation. Regards, Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair X3J14 Elizabeth D. Rather "Forth-based products and FORTH, Inc. Services for real-time 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #300 applications since 1973" Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (800) 55FORTH or (310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130